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Making a Payment 



We bill on a quarterly basis. The due date is always the 15th of the middle month of the quarter. If payment is not received by the last month of that quarter, you will receive a past-due notice. We cannot bill for a new quarter unless the previous bill has been paid. Please do not mail payment the day before your service is to be discontinued and expect trash to be collected that day. Unfortunately, we are unable to grant extensions on billing dates.

We do not accept post-dated checks. If we receive a post-dated check, your account will NOT be considered paid until the date that is on the check.


We encourage you to set up your account for automatic billing through bank draft or credit card draft. However, you can make a one-time payment here or do any of the following:

  • Pay by check via postal mail

  • Pay in our office from 9 am - 3 pm, or drop off a check in our after-hours mail slot at the office.




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